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Health is Wealth Scott Pape Health is Wealth Scott Pape

Blowing Smoke Up Your Backside

Your financial advice, as always, is second to none … but this short email is to confirm you also scored a bull’s-eye with your suggestion a few weeks ago to Bella to buy Allen Carr’s book to help her husband give up smoking.

Hi Scott,
Your financial advice, as always, is second to none … but this short email is to confirm you also scored a bull’s-eye with your suggestion a few weeks ago to Bella to buy Allen Carr’s book to help her husband give up smoking. Years ago, I was so addicted to cigarettes that, even after watching BOTH my mum and brother die prematurely from smoking-related illnesses, I STILL wasn’t able to quit.
But then I bought a copy of that book –   and quit immediately after reading the last page. This was after smoking a pack a day for about 20 years and genuinely believing that life wasn’t worth living if I couldn’t smoke. Not to mention the fact that I had tried EVERY SINGLE other method in an attempt to quit.
Keep up the good work, and never stop recommending Allen Carr’s book to smokers. As a former confirmed smoker, I can only describe the feeling of genuinely never wanting another cigarette again after finishing the book as magic. I hope Bella and her husband take your advice and I wish them the same success.

Thanks, Andy!
I aim to be helpful in these pages. If this helps people escape the prison of addiction, it’s a good day for me. Well done for giving up the darts.


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Health is Wealth Scott Pape Health is Wealth Scott Pape

I’m off the Booze

I’ve been meaning to write to you for some time now. I work as a police officer and, as you could imagine, I have developed what might be called a bit of a habit of drinking. I never thought I had much of a problem, yet time went on. I read your response to a lady who wrote in asking about giving up drinking as a New Year’s resolution.

Hi Scott,
I’ve been meaning to write to you for some time now. I work as a police officer and, as you could imagine, I have developed what might be called a bit of a habit of drinking. I never thought I had much of a problem, yet time went on. I read your response to a lady who wrote in asking about giving up drinking as a New Year’s resolution. Your reply mentioned a podcast by Dr Andrew Huberman. I watched the YouTube video and it made me open my eyes to how poisonous alcohol is and how little you need to drink to be considered chronic. I loved your reasons as well. I have not touched a drop since. I’ve found I’m sleeping better, and am calmer and less stressed as a result. I want to thank you because I don’t think I would have ever stopped if it wasn’t for you (and Dr Huberman). My life is so much better and my kids now have a better role model.
All the best, Nigel
Hi Nigel
If I had a dollar for every person who wrote to me saying they’d given up the grog after reading that article and listening to the podcast, I’d be able to shout Barnaby Joyce a night out on the turps. You got this!


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