Ask Barefoot
On this page you can submit a money question for me to answer in my weekly newspaper column.
But before you do, let me level with you:
I have over 400,000 people on my weekly newsletter.
Sadly, I no longer have time to read through all the thousands of questions I get.
However, I’ve outsourced the job of picking which questions I’ll answer to the man most qualified to do it:
My editor of 15 years … Wally.
Wally has a nickname: ‘John West’.
Because when it comes to picking questions for my column, he has a simple motto: “Only the best”.
Seriously. He looks through the thousands of questions, and hand-picks 3-5 each week. Then, he pulls me off my tractor on a Thursday arvo and has me answer them.
My long-standing editor Wally (he’s a bit of a meathead, but a damn fine editor)
So know this: if you want your question to be answered, it has to be compelling. Most importantly, it has to be relevant to lots of people, not just you.
What kind of questions catch Wally’s eye?
Meaty ones!
Such as:
Topical questions — about something in the news right now.
Picking a fight — is there money drama between you and someone else?
‘OMG’ situations — is your situation so crazy it’s almost unbelievable?
Inspiring stories about how Barefoot has changed your life.
Or if you’re angry at me for some reason … he seems to like those ones.
On the other hand, questions like “Have your thoughts on what you wrote in your book changed?” or “I just inherited $50,000, where should I invest it?” or “What bank account do you recommend?” (even though these are really important questions to you) aren’t going to beat the beef with good old Wally.
So, if you’ve got a compelling question, put it in below …
IMPORTANT: The answers to all questions will be general in nature and for educational purposes only. Always seek personal financial advice, tailored to your specific needs. For more info, please read our privacy policy and terms and conditions.