So My Husband Revealed His Debts


After I finished your book I asked my husband to come clean on our finances, as we had had separate accounts. And O.M.G. his credit card debts were out of control! I told him “we are a team or it’s over”. Then I got him to read your book. Then I got the kids to read the book (I was honest with them about our finance mistakes). Then we slowly turned our situation around together. We no longer have any murky undertow in our relationship, and we are happily married again. Thank you!


Hey Belinda,

That’s epic.

You not only saved your finances, you likely saved something much more valuable: your family. And while I’m handing out the high-fives, good on you for being honest with your kids about your financial mistakes. That’s a teachable moment. I often get parents to blend up their credit cards in front of their kids while they tell them “from now on our family doesn’t do debt”. That’s a powerful visual lesson that helps kids not repeat your money mistakes.



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