Help! The Tax Man is Beating Up My Kid

Hi Scott,

I have a very hardworking 13-year-old who has amassed quite a bit of money: she has saved up $200,000! She would like to purchase a property but as a minor she will have to pay 66% on any income earned from the property. (Clearly she’ll still live at home until she’s old enough!) The goal is to own it outright in a few years and invest in more property, but I’m way out of my depth here. What is the best way for a minor like her to make their money work for them until they turn 18 — in their own name, not mine?


Hi Helen

Two hundred grand? That’s amazing! You must be very proud (and a fine role model).

You’re right about the penalty rate on kids under the age of 18 – however, this only applies to unearned income, like a bank account, rent or dividends from shares. It does not apply to income from the sweat of their own brow.

I wouldn’t limit your research just to property. It would be a good idea for her to learn about investing in the share market as well. To kick off her portfolio, all you’d need to do is set up an account as trustee for your daughter and purchase a hands-off portfolio of local and international shares. You’ll need to pay tax on the dividends – though franking credits mean it’s not much of an issue. To minimise this, open the account in the lower-earning spouse’s name. Then the shares can be transferred to her when she turns 18.

Finally, I’d give her my book (or audiobook) so she can learn all about investing and how to manage her money, as she seems to have the earning part all worked out!



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