Daughter Teaches Mum

Hi Scott,

My husband and I have been doing the jam jars with the kids since your Barefoot Families book came out. A few weeks ago, we went to Kmart and my eight-year-old daughter found a hat that she wanted for $6. She said she would save up and come back with the money the following week. Well, we came back the following week and realised she had looked at the price upside-down — it was actually $9. I said, “You know what? You have been so good lately that I will put in the extra $3.” She said, “No, Mum, how will I learn to save properly if you just give me the money?” I was sooo proud!


Hi Jenny

With kids there’s a lot of slamming doors, tantrums, and “Why are you making me do this!?”

It can feel like there’s not a lot of wins — but you, Jenny, have won the parenting cup!

Your story reminds me of the infamous ‘marshmallow test’ — where young kids choose between one marshmallow now or two later. And it’s been shown that kids who can delay gratification for small things now have the ability to do it in the future with big things. In other words, show me the girl at 8, and I’ll show you the woman at 28.

She Got This!


You Kicked Me in the Guts, Barefoot


My thoughts on ethical investing