You Ripper!


I just wanted to tell you about my latest Barefoot Date Night. Like you advised I rang the bank, followed your script, and they reduced my rate from 5.35% to 4.54%, all in a six minute phone call!  I was sceptical at first, but now I'm over the moon on the outcome of the phone call. Thanks again mate!


Hi Daniel,

Well done man!

And to encourage everyone else to follow your lead, here’s my “$22,064 Phone Call Script” from my book:

You: Hello, my account number is ______. I’ve been with you for ___ years, but I’ve applied to refinance with UBank. Their rate is ____ per cent, which is a full ___ per cent cheaper than you’re charging me. Given our longstanding relationship, I’d like you to match the offer—or send me the forms I need to switch to UBank.

Bank rep: One moment, please.(You’re bluffing, of course. However, the bank’s sales team have strict targets, backed by incentives, that they have to meet—one of which is giving profitable customers discounts to stop them leaving.)

Bank rep: We can’t match the rate you have quoted. However, we understand you are a valuable customer, so we would like to offer you a 0.15 per cent discount.

You: That’s not good enough. I’ve already got conditional approval … so in order to stay I need at least a 0.5 per cent discount. Could you please speak to your supervisor? I’m happy to wait.

Bank rep (a full six minutes later): On reviewing your case, we can offer you that 0.5 per cent discount on your current rate.

You: Brilliant! Please send me an email confirming the new rate and confirming that it will be applied as of start of business tomorrow.


Reminder: I first wrote about this years ago and highlighted the low fees. Today there are better bank accounts on offer. How do I know? Because my readers constantly email me about them! So before you do anything, google the best accounts on offer now.


Rich Girl Loses it All


Barefoot Confessions