What Young People Should Learn from Their Parents

In last week’s column you talked about young people and money. My husband and I encounter many young people, some even in their thirties, who do not know the basics about saving, super, banks, financial advisers, etc. We spend a lot of time talking them through stuff they should have learned from their parents. We are thrilled you want to change the school system to teach kids about earning, saving and giving – the proper way, with no ‘sales pitch’. Go for it! We are behind you!


Hi Kathleen,

I received a massive response from last week’s column. There were two main camps: teachers wanting me to kick off my program at their school, and Barefooters like you. After years of doing this, I know that many of my readers mentor young people. What an absolute privilege, right? It’s one way to positively change a person’s life. I’ll have more information on the program over the next few months. Watch this space.



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