You Have ZERO Credibility, Barefoot


Both my sons (age 13 and 15) have read your books and are practising the ‘Buckets’ strategy. They are slowly, slowly building their wealth to financial independence using earnings from weekend chores, part-time jobs and compound interest. However, I now question your credibility and moral compass. Your misguided publication of your cringe-worthy response to the unbelievable letter claiming “my hard-working 13-year-old has saved $200,000” has left me flabbergasted. Was this a joke? What 13-year-old saves $200,000? Hardworking? Probably. Lucky and the beneficiary of an inheritance or family trust fund? Definitely. This is a slap in the face to every Aussie battler. Sadly, Scott, you have lost a reader here.


Hi Anthony,

Congratulations, you have won my reader ‘spray of the year’ award!

So the kid in question did make the $200,000 on their own … they’re actually in the entertainment business. (However, at the parents’ request I’m not being any more specific than that.)

Yet the real issue here isn’t with the kid, it’s with you.

It sounds like you have a lot of hang-ups about wealth. Now, Anthony, your concrete is set, and you’re unlikely to change. But you don’t want your sons to inherit your anger-envy. After all, it’s totally unproductive.

Fact is, they’re going to meet wealthy people who’ve gotten money from their family. That’s life. Not everyone is equal. Not even you. (Just try comparing your salary to an average Indonesian’s.) But your sons can control one thing: the amount of effort they put in.



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Lost in Space