We’ve Made $11,400 Profit in Four Months

Hi Scott
My husband and I recently started trading CFDs (Contracts for Difference) online. We started with $500 thinking that “if it’s a scam, we’ll only lose $500”. We talk to one of their brokers (who is in Switzerland) a few times a week and it’s going very well (we’ve ‘made’ A$11,400 profit in four months). We have done a withdrawal of $100 to see if we have ready access to the money, and it came through with no problems at all.
The broker is now asking us to invest more money – up to US$100,000. We don’t have that kind of money, so he has suggested we set up an SMSF and invest some of our super. We always seem to miss the boat on financial opportunities, so I wanted to get your view on whether we should do it.

Hi Rick
Somewhere – probably in a compound in Laos – your name is written on a whiteboard.
These scammers have got you on the hook … and now they’re attempting to reel you in.  
The big barramundi for them is your superannuation. They plan on stealing every last cent of it and leaving you with absolutely nothing.
This happens to a trusting, unsuspecting Aussie every single day.
My advice?
Contact IDCare (idcare.org, 1800 595 160) and tell them you’ve been scammed.
Why would you do this?
Because here’s the thing that most crooks have worked out: the best people to scam are those who have already been scammed.
That’s you!
So don’t let it keep happening. IDCare will help you safeguard your identity online, and hopefully ensure your name doesn’t appear on any more whiteboards.


The Barefoot Confession


The Future Olympian