The Barefoot Confession

Hi Scott,
I used to be a sucker for personal development. I was always taken by the idea of the freedom that would come with the ‘laptop lifestyle’. Over seven years I spent over $100,000 in course fees and coaching programs and amassed $50,000 in personal loans. Bye-bye house deposit! I ended up working on the side as well, holding down three jobs to feed my course junkie addiction.
It wasn’t until I met my partner that I realised that I was the product, and that it was just another variant of an MLM scheme. So, over the past three years I’ve followed your steps and paid off my debt, and now I have $50,000 in my savings – slowly on the way to a 20% house deposit! I am so proud of getting back on track, and I feel I am finally free of those who preyed on my insecurities and desires to make themselves wealthy. I’ll be forever grateful for your level-headed path to true freedom, and better relationships too.      
Thanks for the confessional, and thanks for your work.

Hey Lisa
As Dr. Phil says, thank you for sharing.
Your story reminded me of one of the oldest and most famous tales from self-development, called Acres of Diamonds. It was written in the late 1880s, and it tells the story of a farmer who sells his land and goes searching for diamonds. The new owner discovers a diamond mine on that same land. The moral of the story is that wealth and success is in our own backyard. You’ve proven that.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You Got This!



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