Three Is Enough, Barefoot!

Dear Scott,

You seem like a smart guy, but I think your wife is even smarter in wanting to limit the number of children you have to just three. The environment is freaking out, and curtailing the number of children born into our consumer society is one of the greatest contributions anyone can make. And all that money you save by not having those kids can be donated to worthwhile charities that help the environment, animals and people instead!


Hi Jessica

You must be a real hoot at a baby shower.

I’m naturally an optimist, and on almost every measure right now is simply the best time in history to be alive.

Case in point: in his book Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think, Dr Peter Diamandis reveals that in the past century the average lifespan has doubled, and the average income has tripled. At the same time, food is 10 times cheaper, electricity is 20 times cheaper, transport is 100 times cheaper, and communications are 1,000 times cheaper!

Besides, a wise person once told me “no one ever regrets the kids they have … only the ones they don’t”.



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