The Trouble Began When My Sister and Her Husband Were Murdered …

Hi Scott,

My sister and brother-in-law were murdered in 2013. I have spent seven years and a lot of money fighting for their orphaned kids — my nephews and niece. I bought your book and am slowly getting myself out of debt. I have also been fighting the federal government and will be hopefully getting $750,000 for the kids. I want them to make the most out of the money in 10 years. So should I buy them a property? Shares? What should I do?


Hi Renata,

What an absolute tragedy.

My heart goes out to your entire family.

I don’t have enough details to give you a considered opinion, but I’d caution you not to jump to the final step of ‘where to invest the money’ too soon.

First things first. I’d have a lawyer set up a trust structure that specifies what the money can be spent on (like short-term needs or education) and the age the children will gain access to the money.

That will dictate what you invest the money in, though I’d suggest you focus on easy-to-manage, diversified investments that can be sold quickly and cheaply. In other words, I personally wouldn’t buy an investment property.

Generally, I’m a fan of limiting access to lump sums until children are in their late twenties, when they’re a bit more settled in life. Inheriting large amounts of money when you’re immature, or not mentally prepared, will often do more harm than good.

Finally, I’d work on educating the kids about money so they know that, when the funds are eventually released, they’ll be able to use them to honour the legacy of their parents.


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