The Guilty Golden Girl

Hi Barefoot,
I’m torn. My mum has been recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at age 66. She would like to set up a share portfolio for my four-month-old baby girl (her only grandchild). This is incredibly thoughtful. I’d like to accept wholeheartedly, but I know I’ll have to keep the account in my name and manage it for at least 21 years, and deal with the tax implications. What steps should I take to honour Mum’s wishes and set my daughter up while minimising my own personal admin and guilt?

Hi Louise
I’m sorry to hear about your mum.
But what she’s about to do for your daughter is going to create a lasting legacy for her.

I suggest your mum look into opening what’s known as a ‘children’s investment bond’:
The investment bond can be kicked off with a thousand bucks. Once she’s opened the bond, she can choose to invest the balance into low-cost local and international index share funds – and then let compound interest do its thing! Finally, your mum can nominate the age your daughter can get the goodies (say, on her 25th birthday).

Now, in terms of minimising your admin, investment bonds don’t require an annual tax return – even when they’re eventually transferred to your daughter – so there’s very little admin required. As for your guilt, I’d tell your mum that as the years pass you’ll encourage your daughter to add to her portfolio by doing jobs and perhaps even setting up her very own Barefoot Business.



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