So My Husband Spent my Redundancy on Grog

Dear Scott,

I just discovered that my husband of seven years, and the father to my children, has spent half of my $40,000 redundancy on grog and other rubbish. I suppose it’s my fault for trusting this man (a former accountant!) with our family finances. The trouble is, bill-paying gives me anxiety, and I am useless with numbers. I’ve always been ‘kept’. My question is: what’s the best way to set up bill payments and track where our money is going? Feeling very overwhelmed right now.


Hi Renae,

Let’s flip it.

Your stress and anxiety are coming from doubting your husband, and yourself.

I understand how overwhelming it must be for you right now, so let’s start at the beginning.

Step 1: Schedule a Barefoot Date Night. Bring a copy of my book, or listen to it via audiobook on the way.

Step 2: Set up your buckets. Look at your daily expenses that are going into your ‘Blow’ bucket and see how much, as a percentage of your income, that’s taking up, and go from there. You don’t need to do a spreadsheet. You don’t have to track every last cent. I’ve never had the self-discipline to do it, and I don’t expect you to either.

Step 3: Let me tell you a little secret: it’s not really about the money. Once you get on top of things it’s going to change how you look at your husband, and most importantly yourself.



Stuck in Reverse


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