Rich Kid, Poor Kid … Worried Mum

Hi Scott

We have twin girls and we recently went all in on the Barefoot pocket money strategy. One of the twins is highly motivated when it comes to jobs and earning her pocket money, while the other doesn’t care for it at all. Like AT ALL! Her ‘currency’ is connections, not money. She barely gets any pocket money each week and we’re not making up the difference, but she still doesn't care. What do you do when financial or future motivation is not an incentive for a kid?

Worried mum


So you have a kid who isn’t materialistic in the slightest and values people over money?

Sounds like an awesome kid to me!

Here’s what I’ve learned: lecturing and hassling your kids doesn’t work.

That’s why my brand new book (due out in November) is written directly for kids.

I gave a review copy to a kid who sounds exactly like your daughter. He’s not motivated by money at all … yet he read it cover to cover and started plotting out his own small business, not to buy stuff, but to donate to Foodbank.’



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