My Boyfriend Owes me $85,000

Hi Scott,

I got into debt a few years back, but read your book and was debt-free by October 2019 at the age of 26. I felt amazing! Fast-forward to today and I’ve borrowed $85,000 via personal loans and dipping into my super … to give to my boyfriend. He had a rough couple years — lost his job and had custody battles with his ex — and I wanted to support him. But now I’m desperate. I have nothing in my savings and I live week to week. He’s trying to get a loan to put the debt into his name but his chances aren’t looking good as he has a bad credit rating and unexpected bills keep popping up. The bank says the loan will probably need to be secured. My friends have given me a hard time about it but I just wanted to help my boyfriend like he would have done for me. Is there anything we can do to get the debt out of my name?


Hey Linda,

I’m not going to judge you ... as I’m sure you’re already being pretty hard on yourself.

Okay, I can’t stop myself: I’m really dirty that you took money out of your super, Linda. That was for your retirement!

All right, I’ve got that off my chest so let me answer your question. If he’s got no assets, no income, and a bad credit rating, he’s going to struggle to get a loan. You could request to have his name added to the loans, but you’ll still both be jointly and severally liable: so if he doesn’t pay they’ll still chase you.

Here’s the deal: it’s up to him to pay it back. If he wants to prove his love and commitment to you, he’ll work two jobs (plus deliver pizzas at night) to pay it off. I’d sit him down and explain that you helped him out of love and because you knew that he’d do the same thing for you. Well, now it’s time for him to prove it.



Multimillion-dollar Mortgage


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