I’m All Alone

I am a 22-year-old single mother with a six-year-old child. I recently escaped significant domestic sexual abuse and violence. My abuser is currently on trial for attempted murder. In order to keep myself and my son safe, I had to leave behind my support network. I received some compensation for the abuse, and I have saved most of this money. However, I am unsure what to do with it. I am considering investing it for my son’s future or maybe a home eventually, as I am afraid of having nothing to pass on to him or fall back on. I would appreciate any advice on how to invest this money, as I do not have parents to guide me. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I admire your work, it is truly inspiring.

Hi Belinda,
I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. You’re not like other 22-year-olds. You’ve seen life. You’ve been through a lot. And that makes you stronger than the average woman your age.
My advice?
Don’t stress about giving your son money in 20 years’ time – instead, focus on the here and now.
The best return you’ll get on your money is not having to worry about it. So I’d suggest you open up an online savings account and deposit three months of living expenses (we Barefooters call it Mojo).
After that?
Spend money on getting a secure and safe rental in a good neighbourhood.
I’d also open another online saver, nickname it ‘House Deposit’, and put some money in it. I don’t know how much you’ll be able to put in there, but it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that you’ll see it each time you open your banking app and know you’ll eventually buy a home for you and your son with that money. It’s begun. You’re going places. It’s only a matter of time.
And after that?
I’d spend money on making positive memories with your son. Holidays with the two of you in a caravan park. Cricket pads. Scout camps.
Finally, spend $5 on a notepad from Officeworks. Write your story down as it unfolds. Then give him that to him at age 22 and it’ll inspire him to go out and make his mark, just like his mum did.    
Happy Mother’s Day!


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