Barefoot Fight Night

Hi Scott,
During lockdown my hubby started a small hobby business to ‘keep him busy’. It has now taken over, and not in a good way. He runs it with its own account, separate from our family. I didn’t mind this arrangement as, initially, he was saving for a motorbike. Then I discovered he’s been gambling the profits away into crypto. A massive argument ensued. He says he’s ‘investing for the future’ and it’s ‘his’ money. I say he’s misinformed. What say you?

Hi Wendy,
I see crypto as being in the same category as betting on the nags, breeding gerbils or buying Pokémon cards. So tell him, “mate if that’s your idea of fun, well, pikachu to you!”
Just gently suggest he only set aside a small amount of money for his fantasy coin fetish … and then get him thinking about directing the bulk of his profits towards something more meaningful.
Like what?
Well, I’d go on a Barefoot Date Night and ask him the following question:
“What do you LOVE to spend money on?”
He might say ‘travel’.
Then you say, “Okay, what’s one experience you’ve always wanted to have travelling?” It might be a cooking class in Italy. It might be the Grand Prix in Monte Carlo.
The key is to get him excited about saving up for a goal, and not defensive (oh, and also to make it feel like it was his idea in the first place).



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