My Parents Don’t Support Me

Hi Scott,
My name is Laura and I’m 12 years old. A couple of months ago I was given a copy of Barefoot Kids. I’ve come to inform you that I’ve read it many times and it has inspired me to become a better person when it comes to money. But I have one problem: how can I convince my parents to let me go ahead with my money-making schemes? I write down plans, and I do a bit of a presentation, and I do research, but nothing works. My parents own their own small and successful business, which is why I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur myself. I get that they would rather me starting small and helping out with their business, but all I dream of is owning my own. Please help!


Hi Laura
Right now, there are thousands of parents who have just read your question and their mouths are as wide open as Joe Biden’s (and they also have the same dumbfounded look on their faces).
Here’s why: all that most parents get with their tweens is grunting, slamming doors, and eye-rolls … lots of eye-rolls.
You, on the other hand, are doing research and presentations, and pleading with your parents for their approval to let you use your initiative to work hard, learn, make money and grow as a person.
Some parents don’t know how good they’ve got it.
Here’s what I want you to do: put this under their nose. It doesn’t matter if they read my answer – it’s your question that I want them to read. After all, you said that they are your inspiration for wanting to become an entrepreneur.  
Sweet Baby Jesus!  
If any of my kids said that to me, I’d be a blubbering mess. That’s what every parent dreams of!
And after that, if they still don’t want to help you, I will.
Good luck.



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