Here’s How Much You Should Have in Super Right Now

“You look different in real life than you do on the cover of your book”, said the waitress.

“You’ve lost a lot of weight.”

It’s true, over the past few months I’ve dropped roughly 13 kilos.

How did I do it?

Liposuction! Just kidding. I banished biscuits from the house and set up a gym in the shearing shed.

That’s the thing about being tubby: you can’t hide it (especially if your mug is printed on millions of books). Yet when it comes to wealth it’s the opposite. Plenty of people are hiding their financial flab in a leased Lexus.

So, for a moment, let’s you and I get naked and compare our financial bits. Here’s a table from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) that breaks down how much the men and women have in super on average by age.

So ask yourself: “Am I flabby or fit?”

Remember, it’s just an average.

It depends on how much you earn, and how long you take off to raise kids. That being said, if you’re following the Barefoot Steps long term, you’ll almost certainly end up with more than the average.

As I say in Barefoot Step 5, once you’ve bought a home (though not yet paid it off), boosting your pre-tax super contributions from 10% to 15% will make a hell of a difference. As will switching to a growth investment option if you’re under the age of 45. And lowering your fees will give you a huge boost at any age (remember, you’ll pay the majority of your fees after you retire, because that’s when your balance is the biggest).

Don’t be flabby … be financially fit!

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