Help, I’m Desperate

Hi Scott,

I am writing this because my wife told me last night that she has run up a large credit card debt (the figure she will not say). We are both in our mid-forties, earning $80k and $65k. We have a mortgage of $465k and personal loans of around $25k. I feel really stressed about our financial situation. To me it feels like we are running out of time to own our home before we retire. Please help, I’m desperate.



I could be wrong, but in almost every case I’ve come across where a partner has secretly run up a large credit card bill, there’s something deeper going on. In other words Adrian, they do it for a reason -- even if they don’t know it. Gambling? Spending? It’s all an escape from something. Until you find out what your wife’s running from, you’ll continue running in different directions.

Thanks for your support.



I’m a Scaredy Cat


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