Step 1

Schedule a Monthly Barefoot Date Night


You love going out and eating nice food, right? And you’ve never seen a $50 note you didn’t like, right?

Well, we’re going to combine the two and have a Barefoot Date Night each and every month.

You and your partner (or a friend) are going to get dressed up, go out to dinner and put in place the Barefoot Steps—actually do them: set up the accounts, have the conversations while you munch on garlic bread and have a glass of wine.

And you don’t even have to do it at a restaurant. It could be a coffee shop or it could be your bedroom, though it’s much more fun to make a date of it. The important thing is that you intentionally carve out time, every month to track your progress and keep yourself accountable as you follow the Barefoot Steps.

Truth is, most people totally overestimate what they can achieve in one year, but totally underestimate what they can do in six years.

The good news is that you can do astonishing things in six years, but only if you schedule your Barefoot Date Nights right now.

The Barefoot Steps are laid out in detail in my book, The Barefoot Investor: The Only Money Guide You’ll Ever Need. Order your copy here.