You Have No Backbone, Barefoot
Hi Scott,
This is the third or fourth time I have written. I appreciate your principles are sound, however every column has a feel-good news story and none of them explain the backbone of how they made something happen. I have written to you on several occasions asking about this. If someone doesn't have a spare penny to feed their kids and is living hand to can they suddenly start "doing the barefoot" with different accounts? I am not thick, but I am struggling to find the obviously missing piece?
Hi Linda,
Ah, the missing piece of the puzzle.
Here’s a clue: in almost every single feel good news story they start off saying something like:
“I read your book, followed the Barefoot Steps, and then things slowly turned around for me”.
The starting point of the Barefoot Steps is to go on a date night, set up your buckets, and get $2,000 in a Mojo account as soon as possible, even if it means selling your kidneys on eBay.