Widow Learns a Lesson?
Hi Scott,
I recently lost my beautiful husband unexpectedly. Unfortunately we didn't have a will. It’s been a stressful and expensive lesson, I want to make a will but don't really want to pay hefty solicitor fees. What do you think about 'do it yourself' will kits?
I don't own any property and just want to protect my savings and super and leave it to my chosen beneficiaries.
Hi Deb,
There’s a question behind this question…You’ve been through a traumatic, totally life-changing event.
You don’t need a will kit. You need a plan. I’d recommend you sit down with a financial advisor (talk to your not-for-profit super fund). Explain that you need a plan to protect and grow your savings, and a plan to manage your estate – which will include drawing up a simple low-cost will by a solicitor, and completing binding nomination forms for your super. Think of this as an investment in peace of mind.