Tithing for the Church

Hi Scott,

I am a single mum of three. I earn $86,000 a year, pay $624.10 per fortnight in child support (my hubby doesn’t work as he is a stay-at-home dad to our teenage kids), and owe $275,000 on the mortgage. I am a teacher and tithe 10 per cent  of my salary each fortnight to the church (non-negotiable commitment). But I just cannot fill my buckets — what would you suggest?


Hi Janice,

When you factor in your non-negotiables — child support, mortgage repayments and the tithe — you’re already coming close to spending 60 per cent of your take-home pay! And that’s before you pay the other non-negotiables, like electricity, food, fuel, council rates and toilet paper.

If I were in your situation, I’d seek guidance from your pastor. If you’re a teacher, maybe you can pay your tithe by working for the church? Or perhaps you can do some tutoring? Either way you need to increase your income (or decrease your outgoings) until your teenage kids are off your hands.

Thank-you for reading.



The Financial Dominatrix


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