Tiny House, Big Dreams

Hi Barefoot,

In light of the current housing crisis, my partner and I are looking into buying a ‘tiny house’ to live in. We believe this will allow us to live without the stress of a huge mortgage or crazy high rent. We would initially look at renting land from someone while paying the tiny house off, and then eventually sell the tiny house and buy our own land when our needs change. What do you think about tiny house living?


Hi Lucy,

I’ve changed my mind on tiny house living. My wife and I lived in a Winnebego with four kids for five months and we loved it. However, if we were still living tiny today I’m quite sure I’d be in a mental asylum right now. In other words, what made it fun was that it had a time limit. I don’t know many people who live their entire life in a tiny house … and very few families could do it long term.

So what do I think?

I think you need to work out where you want to be eventually. Is it in a home on land? If that’s the case, the only reason you’d buy a tiny house is if it were dramatically cheaper than renting. After all, your house is on wheeIs so it’s going to lose money over the long term.



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