The Poo Test
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the Swedish Death Cleaning column last week. I suspect this is going to be a repeat in your inbox but here goes anyway: have you heard the new approach to culling? It’s called the ‘poo test’. You ask yourself: “If this had poo on it, would I wash the poo off to keep it?” If the answer is ‘no’, then donate it or toss it out. I think it resonates well, especially with kids. Keep up your awesome work.
Hi Linda,
Actually, my inbox was not inundated with people talking about the ‘poo test’.
In fact, you were the only one.
Look, I love a good decluttering hack as much as the next guy. (You should’ve seen the actual response to Swedish Death Cleaning – my inbox was practically hyperventilating with excitement.)
But your poo test? My kids were even grossed out by this one, and they’re surrounded by sheep poo!
Whatever happened to good old-fashioned “Does this spark joy?” or “Would I buy this again today?” I mean, imagine applying this test at Myer:
“Would you like this salad spinner?”
“Hmm … if it had poo on it, would I wash it?”
“Please leave the store.”
Here’s to doing some Swedish Death Cleaning and then sending all that unwanted clutter to the local opp shop – clean.