The Million Dollar Idea

I’ve written to you a number of times but never heard back. But I will keep trying! I have stumbled upon a game-changing idea in the education space -- no-one is doing it. Right now I am part way through registering all my intellectual property, but I have spoken to some successful businesspeople and they agree it has the potential to be huge. I’d like to talk to you about it confidentially if you are willing to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). Looking forward to talking to you -- it’s potentially HIGHLY lucrative.


Dude, unless you’ve invented a way to stop U2’s Songs of Innocence album from playing randomly on my iPhone, I’d respectfully argue that your ‘game-changing’ idea isn’t worth a bunch of Bono’s sunnies.

New ideas are too risky.

You have to create a brand new market. That’s expensive. What’s more, why haven’t the established players done it already? And what’s stopping them from doing it once you show up?

Better to be like Apple -- knock off an idea, or merge a couple of existing ideas.

Successful business is all about business models: profitable business models. Where are businesses that are already making money? Follow the money -- just do it just a little better.



What to do When You’re too Successful


Thank-you Barefoot!