The Good Reverend
Hi Scott,
I’m just following up on your question last week, ‘Does Jesus Despise the Barefoot Investor?’
As an Anglican priest I love your books -- they are against debt, they are about living within your means, and they are about being generous. Yes, perhaps I would add a few Bible quotes to back up your principles, but it has been a book I’m happy to recommend. And, yes, there is a danger in making an idol out of money, but in this age our culture makes a bigger idol out of keeping up Instagram photos of so-called success.Blessings,
Rev. Stephen Bloor
Thank you, Reverend
I’ve actually had a lot of Christians write to me echoing your sentiments this week.
(Okay, and the odd religious nut who said I was going to hell. Seriously they did, claiming I run a cult!)
Thanks for recommending my book, I love hearing from people who've used it to get themselves out of debt and back on their feet.