The Best Thing I Ever Saved For

Dear Mr Pape,

I bought your book while in severe financial difficulty — I actually had to save money for six weeks just to buy it! Anyway, I am 10 months in and will never look back, having managed to pay off $25,574.23 worth of debt. I still have a fair way to go, but I am churning through it. Thanks heaps!


Hi Callum,

Dude, you could have loaned it from the library!

What I love about your email (okay, testimonial), is how detailed you are with your digits:

You haven’t just paid back ‘twenty five grand’, you’ve calculated it down to the cent!

A report this week by NAB found that 20% of Aussies said they don’t have even a cracker saved up.

Don’t let that be you.

If you’re following my plan, you should have nailed the first step: open your separate Mojo account, with an initial $2000 deposit. And if you don’t have a spare $2000, look around your house and see what you can flog on Gumtree.



Bailing Out My Boyfriend


The Giving Game