RIP Tim Fischer

Hi Scott,

Thank you for sharing your memories last week about Tim Fischer. That can’t have been an easy thing for you to do. I grew up in the bush myself and have a very strong appreciation for Tim. I am also the daughter of a farmer who was incensed with the change in gun laws after the Port Arthur Massacre. But after seeing Tim speak at a community function Dad came home and packed up the gun shed: “It’s just not necessary”, he said. Then I was in the USA for university just after the Columbine shootings ‒ I could not have been more proud to be Australian. Tim was a giant.


Hi Cass,

Thanks for sharing your story.I received hundreds of emails from readers about Tim, and it made a tough week a little brighter reading through the stories of people just like you.

This week I spoke at Tim’s funeral, and it was one of the greatest honours of my life. He was a decent man who left Australia a better place. That’s all you can ask for at the end of your life, right?



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