What Would ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ Do?

Hi Scott

My husband and I (in our late 30s, two kids) both run our own small businesses. We work part time and are not earning steady money, about $60,000 combined per year. Our incomes never meet our expenses -- NEVER -- and now we have stopped paying our mortgage because we are so tired of ‘the game’, as I call it. My question is this: is it really worth all the effort to own your own home? ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ author Robert Kiyosaki calls a home your biggest liability -- not an asset! Do you agree with him?


Hi Katie,

Please insert your thumb into your mouth and begin sucking it while I pat your head and gently whisper: “Being a grown-up totally sucks, doesn’t it?”

The ‘game’ you say you’ve opted out of is called ‘being an adult and facing up to your responsibilities’. You made the decision to buy a house and take out the mortgage … so you either sell your home and rent, or you continue honouring your commitment.

It sounds like you’re not earning enough money in either of the business (presumably because you’re both only working part time?). If they aren’t making you enough money, and you see little prospect of improvement, by all means get out of that game. Either way, my advice is simple but brutal: one or both of you need to get a job so you can put food on the table for your kids, and avoid losing your home.

Now to your actual question: Is it really worth all the effort to own your own home?

Well, I agree that maintaining a home is expensive, and at times it can be a huge drain on your cash. But I still think it’s worth it.

Yes, creating your own castle involves sacrifice, hard work and a commitment to providing stability for your family. Yet that’s what being a parent is all about, right?

Finally, what would ‘Rich Dad’ do? I have no idea, though I do know he filed for bankruptcy in 2012.



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