Pressing Problems

Hi Scott,

I am a single mum of five children and I started my own ironing business one year ago. I would like your advice on how to stay on top of things, as all the money I make goes towards paying bills or buying groceries. I don’t have any credit cards, because I hate the idea of buying things with money that doesn’t belong to me. I’m trying to work out how to be financially healthy and become a good role model to my children. Can you help?


Hi Jane,

Let me iron out the wrinkles that you seem to have in your self-confidence:

You’re not a good role model for your kids, you’re an excellent one.

Let me count the ways.

First, you don’t spend money you don’t have.

Second, raising five kids on your own is a full-time job: many people in your situation wouldn’t work at all.

Third, you’re not only working, you’ve been smart enough to build a little business that allows you to parent and earn an income from home.

The only thing you need to do is to tell your kids what you’re doing. The old advertising rule of thumb is that people need to be exposed to a message 20 times before they’ll remember it. Same goes for you and your kids. You want to tell the humble legend of Jane, working hard for her family against the odds.

In time they’ll appreciate what you’re doing for them. One day they’ll be really proud of what you’ve done.

I’m going to send you a free audio version of my book so you can listen to it while you iron. Work your way through the Barefoot Steps and you’ll never look back.

You Got This!



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