Pilot Gets Grounded

Hey Scott,

Last time I emailed you, I had a well-paying job as an international pilot, the share market was at a record high, my super was doing brilliantly, I was investing every month and we were planning a holiday to Greece. I wrote to thank you for changing our lives. Now the share market has plummeted, my super has been smashed and, thanks to COVID-19, I have no job. Now I am writing to REALLY thank you. Healthy Mojo, no credit cards and low-fee banking have prepared us well. More importantly, this is an opportunity to show our three young adult boys a real-life example of living within your means, and that the world does not end when hard times hit!


Hi William,

Dude, you’re facing your own financial fire with all the Alpaca attitude you can muster!(Non-Barefooters won’t have a clue what I’m talking about, but you will.)

You may be down, but you’re not out.

The thing I’ve learnt as a parent is that kids don’t always listen but they always watch:

And they’re watching you rise to a challenge.You Got This!



I tell you, I’ve never seen anything like it


Newsflash: CommBank Sucks