My Husband Took a Secret to His Grave

Hi Scott,

When my husband died in 2007 I was left with nothing, because he had gambled everything away secretly. Since then I’ve managed to raise our three children and keep a roof over our heads, even though I’ve had to rent. I don’t expect you to reply, but just know this: I have always classed myself as a moron with money, but you made me feel like a superhero. That’s the most important thing I got out of your book. It was simple and you made me feel confident and happy.


Hi Tracey,

It’s way past bedtime at the Pape household and I’m sitting here at the end of my daughter’s bed, reading your question on my laptop. My daughter sat upright in bed and asked me why I looked so sad. I explained that I was actually happy, because I’d just read a lovely letter from an amazing woman. Thank you for sharing.

You Got This, Tracey.



A Mother’s Tragedy


Money Meals