I Spent $2,000 on Powerball Last Night

Hi Scott,

I spent $2,000 on Powerball last night and apparently did not even win my tickets back. I feel pathetic.

On my way to work this morning, I began to listen to your book (for the second time) on Audible and decided to write to you — and be honest with you (and myself). My husband and I are both 33. Not young, not old. We have three home loans and a car loan, and plan to have a baby soon. I also have a hard copy of your book on my desk and feel I am on my way to financial freedom, but it seems a long way to go.


Hi Bridget,

I’ve answered thousands of questions, but I have never had someone tell me they spent two grand on a lottery.

Powerball? Is that even still a thing? I remember it looking like some tricked-up vacuum-cleaner spitting out coloured balls. The odds of winning Division 1 Powerball (according to their own website) are 134 million to 1.Here’s you: “Yeah, but you gotta be in it to win it, right?”

Here’s me: “Yeah, but if you think that way, make sure you steer clear of vending machines.”

(Statistically, you’re more likely to be killed by a vending machine falling on you — 112 million to 1.)

Okay, enough of the gags: there’s something deeper going on here.

You’re either an addicted gambler, in which case you should get professional help, because it’s an illness that won’t go away untreated (call Gamblers Help on 1800 858 858), or you’ve got a feeling of hopelessness about your situation.

Either way, there are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.

Yet know this: you don’t have to hit the jackpot to feel good about yourself or your financial situation.

Instead, when you see a path out of despair (and hopefully my book can help you with this), each step you take will build your confidence.

From there, it’s just a matter of time: you’re already free. 



Apples with Apples


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