I Lost My Job This Week, But I Got This

Hi Scott,

I wanted to get in touch with you to say thank you. I lost my job this week. Previously this would have been a devastating blow for our finances. However, thanks to reading your book three years ago, my husband and I are now in a very strong financial position. We have paid our mortgage down by half, and we have a good amount of Mojo in the bank. Now we are able to focus on our kids in this scary time. Thank you!


Hi Jill,

What a strong position you’ve put yourself in. Congratulations!

You’ve also made a really important point about focusing on your kids.

Don’t think your kids aren’t watching you very closely.

Generational attitudes to money are being forged around the family dinner table right now.

So let them know you’re in a decent financial situation because you sacrificed in the good times.Drill it into them.

You’re sorted, Jill, but what about all the parents reading this now who are really stressed about their financial situation. What should they do?

Well, some parents will try to shelter their kids from the financial reality of this situation.

Yet kids are smart: they pick up on what’s going on.It’s okay to be worried. Just channel that fear into something that will serve your kids, like saying to yourself: “Things may be tough now, but we’ll get through it. And never again will this family be financially vulnerable. It starts today.”

You got this!



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