Getting Rid of Granny


My mother is 73, on a pension, with limited savings after her divorce. She lives with me and my husband (we’re newly married) in our rental -- in a granny flat underneath. We want to start looking at buying our own home but don't want to take my mother with us. The problem is that she's expecting it as she can't afford to rent on her own or buy a property. But I don't want to be tied to my mother’s purse-strings until she passes. Help! What do I do with her? What are her -- and my -- options?


Hi Alisha,

This isn’t going to be easy, but you really need to help your mother.

Sit down with her, and lovingly work through the options of where she can afford to live based on her income. The maximum age pension plus rent assistance works out at just over $26,000 a year -- about $500 a week. She can afford to spend $150 per week on rent. That may involve moving out to the country, or finding a share house, or both.

You and your husband don’t owe your mum a subsidised home for the rest of her life. You do, however, owe her unconditional much love, kindness and non-financial support.



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