From the Depths of Despair

Hi Scott,

Not a question. I just want to say THANK YOU!

I know you receive hundreds of messages like this, probably each week if not each day, but I just wanted to share my experience of going Barefoot. At 31, having been married the year prior, I sat in my GP’s office crying my heart out, feeling suffocated by my $27,000 debt, feeling depressed like there was no way out. My GP listened to every word I said (in between sobs) and finally said, “I think we need a longer appointment”, and asked me to come back the next day.

Around that time a friend had suggested I read The Barefoot Investor. I had of course scoffed at the suggestion, but that day I decided I needed something, anything, to help. I read the book cover to cover in a day and felt so empowered that I began to draw my buckets and to have the conversation with my husband.

Two-and-a-half years on, I never did rebook that appointment! My husband and I are completely debt free! We own (outright) two cars, have had a baby, have been on a four-month holiday overseas, have saved $40,000, and are ready to buy our first home. Thank you, Scott. You will never know what your book did for our family.


Hi Nikki

You bloody ripper!

In the sea of doom and gloom and depressing news, I’m craving good news stories, and hope — and that’s exactly what your story offers people.

You Got This! 







Are You Like Chickens?


Hell’s Kitchen