Filthy from Head to Toe
Hi Scott,
Thanks so much for your last column. My son and I went on our first camping trip these holidays and it was honestly the best holiday ever. I set a limit of $250 from my Smile account, which paid for food, petrol and admission to the Buchan Caves. He spent the whole time exploring, throwing the biggest stones he could find to make the biggest splash he could, and rolling down dirt piles. He was filthy from head to toe, asleep before his head hit the pillow every night, and already planning our next trip before we left the campground. It was amazing, and what’s more we were out of range so I had to turn my phone off -- and did not feel a twinge of guilt.
Thank you, Marie (mum to a little boy who got to be dirty for a few days and had a ball!)
Scott says ...250 bucks! That’s one night at the suburban Mantra, with food poisoning at the all-you-can-eat buffet.
Give me damper on a stick and boiling billy any day. (And a few frothies around the campfire when the kids are gone to bed.)
Good on you, Marie.
And thank you for reading.