Donald Trump Effect

Hi Scott,

Should investors panic if Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination for president....or only panic if he actually wins the presidency? He has managed to offend almost every minority group in America as well as quite a few foreign nations who may no longer wish to have dealings with the USA as long as such an ignorant and arrogant moron is in charge of the world's largest economy. Will he have an effect on world markets?


Hi Dave,

In my unqualified opinion, Trump is a complete trainwreck.

The idea that in order for America to ‘win’, other nations have to lose, makes me want to repeatedly smack him over the head with Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations.

Still, it’s easy to get sidetracked watching this idiot. The truth is that the US has had it’s fair share of loonies in the oval office, but over the past 100 years the US market has still risen 18,520-fold.



The 93 Year Old Barefooter

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