Confessions from the Dark Side

Hi Scott,

I have a confession to make. For years I have been drawn to the ‘dark side’ — working as a finance broker putting people into ridiculous high-interest-rate loans (up to 29.9%). When I started I was shocked that people would buy these loans, but it soon became the ‘norm’ and I even trained other people on how to sell them. This is something I am not proud of as I have been following the Barefoot way myself the last three years, which has really helped my wife and me. Now I want to right the wrongs I have done and help people, especially young people who do not have a clue. With my knowledge of the dark side, I want to become a ‘finance Jedi’. Where can I best help?


Hi Bryan,

You should consider becoming a not-for-profit financial counsellor.

No other job in finance comes close to matching the impact you have on people and their families.

You’ll deal with the same clients, though instead of preying on them you’ll go home at night and pray for them.

It’s mentally draining. People turn up and dump decades of stress on your lap. They tell you heart-breaking stories.

In the spirit of being candid, let me give you a confession of my own:

Financial counselling is the toughest job I’ve ever had.

So why do it?

Well, when I first got into finance my old man gave me one bit of advice that stuck with me:

“Just don’t be a wanker, look after the battlers.”

Turns out to be the best advice I ever got.

Good luck.


Don’t get a snag from Bunnings — buy this instead


Scrooge McDuck