Cancer Stricken Battler ... Lends a Hand?

Hi Scott,

I’m in my 50s, and have just battled cancer. I foolishly helped out my partner with $112,000 credit cards that he put in my name over a 10 year period. Now I've beat cancer, I want to fix this up. I have consolidated against my home to lower the massive credit card repayments. My partner isn't repaying the loan but instead wants me to buy a bigger home for us both. With 80% debt now against my place, I can't see this happening. Should I sell up and buy cheaper?


Hi Tina,

I’ll just come right out and say it (since you, dear reader, are no doubt thinking this as well..).

What the hell is going on with your partner?

You’re battling cancer, and he’s racking up six figure credit card debts in your name?

Then, you get him off the hook, and instead of paying his way, he wants you to buy a bigger home?

Why am I ending each line with a question mark?!

Because if you were my sister, I’d be telling you that before we sort out your finances, there’s one more cancer you need to beat: your partner. 



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