Barefoot Confession

Hi Scott,
I just have to get this off my chest. For the last five years I worked in a job where I only did about one hour’s worth of work each week (there was a six-week period each year where it was quite busy and I would do maybe two to four hours a day). The rest of the time I would browse the internet, go on 60-90 minute walks while listening to podcasts, prepare food in a makeshift mini kitchen I had set up, watch TV series and movies, play retro video games online, just whatever I wanted that wouldn't look too obvious that I wasn't doing anything - although I'm sure people knew. I even negotiated a pay rise for myself while doing all of this - from $70k to $78k. I left that job with an absolutely glowing reference from my boss that helped me get my current job, where I do actually work most of the day.

Hi Cindy,
I could kind of see how this could happen if you were working from home.
(Employers think they can track workers via apps like Microsoft Teams and Gmail that mark you as ‘away’ if your mouse doesn’t move for a period of time. What they don’t know is that sneaky employees are buying an undetectable “mouse jiggler” on Amazon for $15, which has 4,555 glowing reviews on Amazon).
Yet you did this from the office!?
Hopefully they replaced you with a pot plant.  And if I were the owner of that business, I would have placed your old boss – who gave you a pay rise and a glowing reference – on permanent gardening leave!



I’m off the Booze


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