Are We Insane?

Hi Scott,

My partner and I have $30,000 saved up. I have come across a promising opportunity to buy a juice and coffee trailer with an exclusive trade permit in a popular hiking and tourist spot. Is it insane to relocate and spend the majority of our savings on a business instead of a home? I always wanted to work for myself, and it would be a great opportunity for my unemployed partner to run it. And I would still keep my current part-time job for financial security at the start.


Hi Tab,

Is it insane to spend the majority of your savings on a business instead of a home?

Well, I don’t think I’d do it, even though I do officially make ‘the world’s best smoothie’.

(Seriously, you can ask my kids. Every dad needs to be the world’s best at something, so I claimed it early on.)

Okay, so what’s your worst-case scenario?

Well, that you end up buying yourself a hospitality job with no access to super or guaranteed minimum wage.
And the best-case scenario?

That you’ve stumbled on a gold mine where hungry and thirsty hikers line up all day, and you earn a good return on the money you put into it.

So, is it a good deal?

Well, I can’t imagine that a coffee trailer would be very expensive, so it’s likely you’re paying a premium for the ‘exclusive trade permit’.
So the first question I’d ask the seller would be: “How did you come up with your selling price?”

Then zip it, and listen to what they say.

Unless they can provide a track record of audited figures, they’re probably delivering you a sales spiel.

And if that’s the case, it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee.


The hero (living in a rented apartment)


I Want A Credit Card Too!