After Midnight We’re Going to Let it All Hang Out


I have owned a small coffee shop for eight years, but since Covid started I just haven’t been able to catch up. I’ve been taking on credit cards to keep suppliers off my back, and also for wages. Now I’m desperate and so embarrassed and ashamed of my situation. Can you PLEASE answer my question as I can’t speak to anyone on the phone, as I don’t want my partner or my employees to hear what’s going on?


Hi Helen

So I went looking in my inbox to see if you’d given me more info, and I saw that you sent your email at 1:08am. I get a lot of questions coming through after midnight when people can’t sleep. I’d like to help you get some sleep again, so here’s what I want you to do.

The Small Business Debt Helpline ( has a web chat feature on its homepage where you can chat discreetly with a qualified financial counsellor – someone like me. They are experts in helping small business people in exactly your situation. They are government-funded and free from any conflicts (and they do amazing, life-changing work).

I often say that financial counselling is the best-kept secret of the finance industry. Well, both the Small Business Debt Helpline and the National Debt Helpline ( have this chat feature. It’s a great first step to help you get the support you need.



You Prick, Barefoot


Your biggest financial worry right now