A Hole in My Heart

Hi Scott,

Last March I came across your book in a store in New Zealand. Since then, it has completely changed how my husband and I use our money. We have paid off $8,000 on a credit card, and this year our loan will get hammered using our ‘Fire Extinguisher’ account. But the biggest help was earlier this year. My cousin’s two-year-old daughter relapsed with leukaemia, with no more options left for treatment. My cousin and I are very close but he lives far away, in Ireland. With our Mojo, we were able to drop everything and be there for his daughter’s final weeks. I was able to support my cousin and his wife through the hardest time of their lives. With tears in my eyes and a huge a hole in my heart, I thank you for giving me that gift. 


Hi Mandy,

That is a beautifully written, emotional response -- and it shows exactly why people should get things together. None of us know what’s going to happen next. And to be in the position where you could do what you did is one of life’s great gifts. The events that have already happened this year — fires, floods and pandemics — have taught me that right now is a really good time to have a Mojo buffer. You never know when you’ll need it.

Thank you for reading,



My mother saved my life


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