Could you ... would you?

Hi Scott,

Thank you so much for your amazing money concept for kids. I am a School Chaplain at a low socio-economic school in Tamworth, NSW. I have run with your book idea with some Year 6 students. We found an opportunity to earn money and pay it back to the school through making cards for the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls. I am looking at enthusing the next card-making crew to pick up the mantle next year. These guys are so committed. I was wondering if you might be generous enough to shout them a copy of your book so we can present it to them at their Year 6 formal?

Hey Belinda,
This warms my heart.
I’ve tried so hard to get this message into schools, and the fact that your kids have embraced it is awesome. I hope they enjoyed their signed books.



AMEN, Barefoot! 


Rethink the six-berth motorhome!